North Lanarkshire Conservative & Unionist Association (NLCUA). The home of Scottish Tories in North Lanarkshire. Here you will find information about our Councillors and MSP's as well as, what’s going on in our local area and how you can get involved. NLCUA is the official North Lanarkshire Association of both the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party and The Conservative & Unionist Party.


This is an exciting time in Scottish and British politics. We have the opportunity to develop a positive, forward-looking agenda that helps meet the big challenges our country faces, and helps make our country a better place to live.

You can play your part by joining the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party. Our Party will be a voice for change, optimism and hope. It will be a party that represents everyone in Scotland. We are a party eager to rebuild and strengthen our society for the benefit of all.

By joining us, you will be entitled to take part in discussions about policy; to select candidates for seats throughout Scotland; to shape the direction of the party; and to be part of an exciting new era.

Make a Donation to the North Lanarkshire Conservatives.

Political Party Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) Under the Political Party Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) you must be on the electoral register in the UK excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in order to make a donation of more than £500. If you donate more than £7,500 to the Party, we are obliged under the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000 to report such a donation to the Electoral Commission, who will publish the fact that you have made a donation over £7,500. For more information, please see



* indicates required

The Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party:

We are a patriotic party of the Scottish centre-right which stands for freedom, enterprise, community and equality of opportunity.

We are a party of choice, responsibility, localism, low taxation and strong but limited government.

  • We are a party which champions individual choice. Scottish Conservatives believe that people and not government make the decisions that are best for themselves, their families and communities.
  • We are a party of responsibility. Scottish Conservatives believe that people must take responsibility for the decisions they make and bear the consequences if they break the law. Freedom cannot exist without responsibility and respect for the rule of law.
  • We are a party of localism. Scottish Conservatives believe that decisions should be made as close to the people as possible. Big government stifles local action. We believe in re-empowering local communities.
  • We are a party of low taxation. Scottish Conservatives want to see people keep more of the money they earn and not have it eaten up by excessive government spending. We believe in prioritising the family budget over the government budget.
  • We are a party of strong but limited government. Scottish Conservatives believe in government that is strong in its guarantee of security, freedom and civil liberties, but limited in its size, cost and ability to interfere in the day to day lives of individuals, families and businesses.